Monday, October 12, 2009

A Sickening Weekend

This weekend was an interesting one, to say the least. I mentioned in my last post that I went to the state fair with my dad and one of my twin sisters. While we were having fun (and sweating off our sanity) the other twin was lying in bed, weak from her previous night's stomach virus. She had been up from 2am Thursday morning until 6:30am emptying her stomach. Poor girl! Her stomach was so empty that she had absolutely no appetite that whole day.
When we got home from ECC (that's our morning co-op) on Friday afternoon, my sister was feeling much better. She still didn't eat very much, but she was much stronger. That night, though, my mom got sick with the same thing. I think the virus hit her harder than it hit my sister. I felt so bad for my mom. She was shut up in her room all day because she didn't want to get any of the rest of us sick. But even when the next day came around and strength returned to Mom, the virus had not finished it's cunning work. On Saturday night, it was the other twin's turn to get hit with it. (It's almost as if the virus had planned this, but my biology teacher says that viruses don't have brains.) For fear of spreading the virus to anyone else, my whole family stayed home from church on Sunday. (All except my brother who is in college. We missed seeing him there!) Even I stayed home, just in case. All day yesterday I was thinking to myself, if I don't get sick tonight, I most likely won't get sick at all! Oh, how I wish that that might be true. But I am as well as ever,(except for a little hunger pains- I haven't had any breakfast yet) and my dad hasn't gotten sick either. But the danger is by no means over. Please keep my family in prayer. Pray for strength for those recovering and strong immune systems for those well. TTYL!


  1. Please comment. I like to get feedback on what I write.

  2. I hope you don;t get sick!!! I hope your mom feels better! It is nice to be able to read your posts! :) I will be praying for you!!!

  3. man! i hope you don't get sick!

    this is ellie, by the way :)
