Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's all Over!

Ecc is over. That takes away half of my school work and leaves me without half of my friends. I am going to miss my peeps!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Favorite Song

The Great Divide
Verse #1: Sometimes we don't see eye to eye
we don't agree, we don't know why.
But Jesus prayed that we'd be one;
so for the sake of God's own son can we put away our bitterness, lay down our pride.
I think it's time we start turning the tide!
Chorus: Shall we gather at the River of Forgiveness?
Come together at the Waters of Love;
Flowing like a fountain from the Mercy Giver.
Shall we gather at the River?
Verse #2: We have all made enemies of
the ones were called by Christ to love.
But there's redeption at the river side.
The water's deep, the water is wide;
it can wash away our bitterness, the current is strong.
I think we've been out in the desert too long!
Bridge: We can wade into the middle where the healing waters flow;
It only takes a little to heal a wounded soul.
It will only bring us closer than we've ever been before.
This is just what Jesus was prayin' for!
Chorus#2: Come together!
Shall we gather at the River of Forgiveness,
Come together at the Waters of Love
Flowin' like a fountain from the Mercy Giver.
Shall we gather, gather at the river?
Come together at the waters of Love;
flowin' like a fountain from the Mercy Giver.
Shall we gather at the River?
Gather at the River (repeat 4 times).
~by Point of Grace

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Failed Resolve

Well, my resolve to stay healthy has failed. I didn't get sick the night after I left you last, but I got sick the night afterward. I started getting sick around 2am and didn't get to stop until around 6:30. I pretty much slept the whole next day. While I was still recovering, my Dad also got sick. So, to confirm a point already made, my whole family has now been sick. Luckily, my being sick didn't hinder me from playing in my home volleyball game (we won by the way). But now I'm sitting on my couch with congestion in my chest, no voice from a previous volleyball game, a stopped up nose, and our church's Fall Festival (Festibration) this Sunday. What's worse is the booth that I'm in charge of is a face-painting booth; that means that I'll be in lots of kids faces. My mom says that if my congestion doesn't go away, I'll go dressed up like a doctor so that I can cover my mouth with a face mask. I'm hoping that that won't be necessary, but I can say from experience that it could be worse.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Sickening Weekend

This weekend was an interesting one, to say the least. I mentioned in my last post that I went to the state fair with my dad and one of my twin sisters. While we were having fun (and sweating off our sanity) the other twin was lying in bed, weak from her previous night's stomach virus. She had been up from 2am Thursday morning until 6:30am emptying her stomach. Poor girl! Her stomach was so empty that she had absolutely no appetite that whole day.
When we got home from ECC (that's our morning co-op) on Friday afternoon, my sister was feeling much better. She still didn't eat very much, but she was much stronger. That night, though, my mom got sick with the same thing. I think the virus hit her harder than it hit my sister. I felt so bad for my mom. She was shut up in her room all day because she didn't want to get any of the rest of us sick. But even when the next day came around and strength returned to Mom, the virus had not finished it's cunning work. On Saturday night, it was the other twin's turn to get hit with it. (It's almost as if the virus had planned this, but my biology teacher says that viruses don't have brains.) For fear of spreading the virus to anyone else, my whole family stayed home from church on Sunday. (All except my brother who is in college. We missed seeing him there!) Even I stayed home, just in case. All day yesterday I was thinking to myself, if I don't get sick tonight, I most likely won't get sick at all! Oh, how I wish that that might be true. But I am as well as ever,(except for a little hunger pains- I haven't had any breakfast yet) and my dad hasn't gotten sick either. But the danger is by no means over. Please keep my family in prayer. Pray for strength for those recovering and strong immune systems for those well. TTYL!

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Scene From Thursday

Yesterday was the most memorable day of my life for a couple of reasons. First off I went to the State Fair. It was awesome! I went with my dad and one of my twin sisters. We were there from 12:30 to 8:30. But the fair itself wasn't what I was interested in sharing about. it was what happened afterward.
We were on our way home when this car (drunk driver?) came zooming around us, going 80 on a 65mph highway bridge. luckily he missed us, but only by a hair. The car in front of us wasn't so lucky. The speeding car ran into the back right wheel of the car in front of us and pushed her into the railing on the left-hand side of the highway. The fast driver then bounced off his innocent victim, lost control, and ran in front of the other car who created leverage to turn the car sideways. The victim maneuvered herself over to the right shoulder and kind of stalled half way in that protective zone. My Dad had slowed down to avoid getting caught in the accident and had pulled over to call 911 and see if the woman was hurt. While he had gotten out of the car and was checking on the woman, my sister and I waited in the car, feeling both the bridge and the car shake every time a car passed by next to us. We ended up getting out just in case someone didn't see our white car with bright flashing lights sitting on the shoulder. The woman turned out to be okay. She wasn't able to get out of her door, though, because it had been smashed in. My dad gave her his card. He told us later that it was by accident that he took that road. That's a God thing for sure.
The only thing my sister would say was, "Wow, God is good! God is good!" I say 'amen' to that, sister. she even started singing a song about. what I found cool was that my ten-year-old sister recognized the hand of God even in such drastic circumstances. I just felt that someone reading this blog might like some real excitement in it. Please enjoy and relish it because my life isn't this exciting every day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

All About Katie!

Welcome to my town! If you want to know about me, this is where you should go. I like to write, so sorry if I get carried away. I love volleyball. After all, its the only sport so far that I haven't quit on. But seriously, I do love it. Like I've already said, I love to read, so that's covered. another thing I like to do is play computer and video games. Nancy Drew mysteries are an all time favorite in my family (they are computer games as well as books, FYI). my current preference for video games is the Incredibles' PS2 game.