Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year

Wow what a year. My time has been so taken up that I haven't even been on the internet for at least a month and a half.
My Christmas was memorable for many reasons; mainly that most of my Christmas was outside of Christmas Day. My family and I held our very first Christmas party three weeks before Christmas. My Aunt's Christmas at her house was the Sunday before the 25th and my Grandfather's Christmas at his house in Oklahoma took place the 29th of this month.
I don't think that I will never forget this past year and the surprises it held for me. My favorite one of these was the gift of a white Christmas. I had actually prayed for a white Christmas but, in my ignorance, didn't believe it would actually happen. My mom told me when I told her this, that if I pray for something I need to fully believe that God can make it happen.
This Holiday season didn't come without it's down sides, though. The day before we were planned to leave for Oklahoma my dad got sick. We weren't sure but that it might be some kind of the flu. We ended up leaving only a day after we were supposed to...without Dad. He didn't want to hinder us from going, so he sent us without him. We ended up having a fun time there anyway; that is, until I started feeling bad. I woke up the first morning with only a slightly scratchy throat. Hot Apple Cider solved helped make that feel better. But the next morning my sore throat was accompanied by a small caugh. Because caughing was one of the symptoms that my dad had, my mom was especially worried. We left that day.
Because I wasn't feeling well, I feared that I would notbe able to go to the annual New Years Eve party at my church.